Marcus Tylipus

Mandi Wyler



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    Monday, November 05, 2007  

POEM: Meeting Me

Come meet with me,
And I will tell you how to act and who to be.
Contribute ideas I want to compare.
You are so privileged to be breathing the same air.

During the meeting, you will see
What it really means to be me.
Don’t bother me with too many questions,
But rather you may offer an occasional suggestion.

Your time is mine to waste as I wish.
My thoughts are always more than your gibberish.
I create my own world with my words.
It is always as I say, not what you think you heard.

In my presence, I am king.
I can decide to do anything.
I define what the limits are.
I will determine how high to set the bar.

Consider yourself fortunate to be with me this long,
Not many can stay and sign my song.
Yes, you are invited to witness my glory.
I may do you wrong, but I never have to say I’m sorry.

You may be excused to go back into your hole.
Just remember who here has ultimate control.
Do as I imagine and get things right.
And next week, you might be invited back into my light.

Marcus Tylipus
October 17, 2007

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 7:30 PM ] [ ]


POEM: The Image of Christ

Christ in us, the hope of glory.
Is this true or just an allegory?
When others look at our lives, what do they see?
Do they witness Christ alive in us to some degree?

At times His reflection is not very clear;
Especially based on what you may hear.
Everything done whether by word or deed
Should be in tune with Christ’s lead.

Your life should deeply reflect His face.
All in good time and by His grace.
He will work with us to correctly reflect
His image and message to all prospects.

Never overriding who we are,
Never venturing from our side very far,
Always encouraging us to stay,
Always helping us to pray.

Marcus Tylipus
October 14, 2007

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 7:17 PM ] [ ]

    Monday, September 24, 2007  

POEM: Deep into the Heart of God

Every bump in life generates some type of emotion.
Sometimes flooding the soul with the strength of an ocean.

What we feel seems real enough, but it's only a facade,
For it masks our true relationship that we have with GOD.

Every emotion reveals something about His heart.
These feelings give voice to our own inward counterparts.

Many work hard at not wanting to feel.
They want to hold tight to their imagined ideal.

Feelings have a way of exposing this illusion.
Life secure, happy and safe; all full of confusion.

Now listen and ponder what you feel.
Deep in your heart what is going on to often gets concealed.

Most of our relationships are too full of pain or mystery,
But they do define our values and our history.

Sorrows of life are to be courageously faced.
Our hunger for heaven should always be embraced.

God will not always relieve our pain.
Yet He is patient with us while we continue to complain.

Emotions are our cry to be heard,
But who besides GOD listens to a single word?

Breath deeply my soul as oft as you cry.
Remember God's love for you will never die.

Marcus Tylipus (September 24, 2007)

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 2:07 PM ] [ ]

    Friday, October 13, 2006  

POEM: It Isn't What It Seems

It isn't that I live among holy men,
But among men of means and contradiction.
Their words are not written with a pen
So their meaning is left open to interpretation.

It isn't that I don't have time to read,
But my attention span seems so poor.
There is much knowledge that I need,
But wisdom and truth elude me even more.

It isn't that I live in a desert bare,
But where there is plenty of everything so near.
Where satisfaction seems hard to obtain, even rare,
And words of comfort are not always clear.

It isn't that I speak in riddles three,
But a story unfolds in lines of rhyme.
Only in a few minds is the truth free.
For most, it remains hidden in time.

Marcus Tylipus (October 12, 2006)

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 4:49 AM ] [ ]


POEM: The Invisible Battle

Straight away a march to glory,
But always concerned about the developing story.
Dreams of mission seem to spin around;
Pressing onward into the battleground.

Fighting hard battles secure a hold,
But victory does not cure a heart cold.
Obedience to the Word keeps one pure,
A heart that is right, and one's step sure.

Inquiring questions shot down by friendly fire
With recovery uncertain; trust soon expires.
The wounded are bayoneted where they lay.
No more embarrassing questions. O'Happy Day!

Others lead while a leader follows.
The more the needs the more they borrow.
Monuments get built, but not soul spaces.
Reach deeper! Remove doubts traces.

Rewards uncertain. Sacrifice hurts.
No one is paying attention or staying alert.
A leader is exempt and excused.
So what if the people are left a little confused?

Marcus Tylipus (09/2/2006)

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 4:26 AM ] [ ]

    Monday, September 18, 2006  

POEM: Hidden Soul

Oh, hidden soul familiar not
Much disappointment
Forced to run
Deep into the woods.

But for the heart, you fought
For freedom, not judgment.
However, you were overrun
And misunderstood.

Others attempt to define your role
In the world, here and now.
Speak softly with tender voice,
Words of wisdom and instruction so little is heard.

Without embrace there is a heftly toll.
My heart can no longer allow.
I pray for inviting choice.
Speak singularly not to the herd.

Unfamiliar though you may be
There is an invitation to appear.
At your own time
And in your own way.

In a mirror, I see only me.
No agenda, shy one, just be near.
Over the debris, please climb
I await your arrival, please without delay.

Marcus Tylipus
September 16, 2006

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 4:47 PM ] [ ]

    Wednesday, May 10, 2006  


The final hours are counting down.
Preparations are underway to leave town.
The organizer is saying his final good-byes.
Uncertainty abounds, no one can deny.

Monday will come as it always does.
The worker bees will gather all abuzz.
Seeking the fragrance of sweet inspiration from one.
Everyone gathered in cautious unison.

Many words will be spoken in the days ahead
In an effort to bring life and to save the dead.
Hope should flourish with the young.
Promises made will go unsung.

Truth can be revealed and hidden in time.
But the hill in front of the remaining will be very steep to climb.
Without trust as a companion and the daily bread,
The trail is difficult enough without being misled.

Marcus Tylipus
May 10,2006

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 4:04 AM ] [ ]

    Thursday, April 27, 2006  

POEM: Winds of Change

The sun rose on a dismal sight.
The people of the kingdom were in disarray and flight.
The king's edict was "off with their heads!"
The train was leaving town and fear was wide-spread.

From the north he came to buffet the storm,
To lessen the flight, and to create a new norm.
Much was accomplished during his time.
The kingdom was at peace and the population began to climb.

But the sun must set today or tomorrow.
For everything cycles like joy and sorrow.
The champion of order is mounted to leave
To travel west to new opportunities he believes.

And what of the kingdom he leaves behind?
Were lessons learned? Is it of one-mind?
Can it survive yet another purge?
Or do we hear the sounds of an all too familiar dirge?

Marcus Tylipus
April 27, 2006

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 4:46 AM ] [ ]

    Saturday, April 09, 2005  


God wants us and loves us dearly, but He does give us freedom to choose. In stubborn refusal to believe that our choices could be wrong, or that our visions could be misguided, or that we should even be questioned about our behavior, we become unaware that our hearts are becoming hardened.

We fall into a deep sleep completely unaware of God's true work in our lives. Eventually, our eyes don't see and our ears don't hear what we should do and shouldn't. Our hearts can no longer understand God. We will not and cannot turn to God and let Him heal us.

God will make several attempts to get our attention. He will speak to us through His Word and His Spirit. Our conscience will be pricked. He will even send in brave souls to confront us. Some of them we may destroy and lie about or simply ignore. Yet our hardenness continues to develop.

Eventually, God lets us go. Our bounty may become a trap to us. The more we have the more we want and the more we desire. We will think all is well due to the level of our riches and successes. Yet we grow blind and weak.

Finally, God allows us to live as we choose. There is no one to stop us from making wrong choices. And, of course, none of our choices seem wrong to us, because we are blind. Everything we say we do in His name becomes a mockery. We tend to to believe lies that reinforce our own selfish personal beliefs. This calamity is not unique to unbelievers, but can affect followers of Christ as well.

Hardening of one's heart is a gradual process. Our only hope is the radical surgery of Christ. For He alone can give us a new heart and a new spirit. The consequences seem clear unless your heart is already blind. God seeks us out to redeem us. The more stubborn our refusal, the more serious our situation may grow in order to break our unrepentative hold over our own hearts and our refusal to surrender it.

Marcus Tylipus

   [ posted by Marcus Tylipus @ 3:59 AM ] [ ]